What is the Maracaturra coffee varietal?
The Maracaturra coffee varietal is a hybrid of two coffee cultivars, Maragogype and Caturra. It is a relatively new varietal, first discovered in Nicaragua in the late 1990s. It is a cross between the two cultivars, with the Maragogype providing the larger bean size and the Caturra providing the more compact plant structure.
The Maracaturra varietal is known for its larger than average bean size, which is usually around 18-20 millimeters in diameter. This larger bean size can result in a more intense cup of coffee, with a fuller body and more complex flavor profile. It is also known for its high yield, with some farms reporting yields of up to 2.5 times higher than other varietals.
The Maracaturra varietal is most commonly found in Nicaragua, although it can be grown in other countries as well. It is believed that the climate and soil conditions in Nicaragua are particularly well-suited for this varietal, allowing it to thrive and produce high yields.
The Maracaturra varietal is known for its unique flavor profile, which is similar to the Pacamara varietal. It is often described as having a sweet, nutty flavor with hints of citrus and floral notes. It is also known for its balanced acidity and smooth finish.
Overall, the Maracaturra varietal is a unique and interesting coffee varietal that is gaining popularity among coffee experts. It is known for its larger bean size, high yield, and unique flavor profile. It is most commonly found in Nicaragua, although it can be grown in other countries as well. It is an excellent choice for those looking for a unique and flavorful cup of coffee.