The Ultimate Coffee Glossary


What is the Kent coffee varietal?

The Kent coffee varietal is a type of Arabica coffee that was developed on the Kent estate in Mysore, India. It was the first useful CLR resistant cultivar, meaning it was able to resist the Coffee Leaf Rust fungus, which is a common problem for coffee growers. Kent was widely planted in India and other parts of the world, but eventually it was destroyed by a new wave of CLR.
Kent is a high-yielding variety, with a good cup quality. It is a medium-sized tree with a compact growth habit, and it is relatively easy to cultivate. The beans are small and round, with a light green color. Kent is a hardy variety, and it is resistant to drought and disease. It is also resistant to pests, making it a good choice for organic farming.
Kent is a low-acid coffee, with a mild flavor and a smooth body. It has a sweet aroma and a pleasant aftertaste. It is a good choice for espresso, as it produces a rich crema. Kent is also a good choice for cold brew, as it produces a smooth and mellow cup.
Kent is a versatile variety, and it is suitable for a variety of brewing methods. It is a good choice for filter coffee, as it produces a balanced cup with a pleasant aroma. It is also a good choice for French press, as it produces a full-bodied cup with a rich flavor.
Overall, Kent is a high-yielding variety with a good cup quality. It is a low-acid coffee with a mild flavor and a smooth body. It is a versatile variety, and it is suitable for a variety of brewing methods. It is a hardy variety, and it is resistant to drought and disease, making it a good choice for organic farming.
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