What is the Castillo coffee varietal?
The Castillo coffee varietal is a hybrid variety of coffee that was developed over five generations in Colombia. It is a cross between the Caturra and Colombia varieties, and was created with the intention of providing resistance to leaf rust. It is a “dwarfed” tree, meaning that it is smaller than other varieties, and can be planted in high density, resulting in generous crop yields.
Castillo is now the most common coffee variety grown in Colombia, making up 40% of the country’s coffee crops. It is a hardy variety, and is known for its resistance to disease and pests, as well as its ability to thrive in a variety of climates. It is also known for its high yields, making it a popular choice for farmers.
Castillo is a relatively new variety, having only been developed in the last five generations. It is a hybrid variety, meaning that it is a cross between two different varieties, and it has been bred to be resistant to leaf rust. It is a “dwarfed” tree, meaning that it is smaller than other varieties, and can be planted in high density, resulting in generous crop yields.
Castillo is a popular choice for farmers due to its hardiness and high yields. It is also known for its resistance to disease and pests, as well as its ability to thrive in a variety of climates. It is a relatively new variety, and is still being developed and improved upon. As such, it is an exciting variety for coffee experts to explore and experiment with.