The Ultimate Coffee Glossary


What does Sorting mean?

Sorting is a crucial step in preparing coffee for export. It involves separating coffee beans based on size, density, and colour using machines and sometimes by hand. Size grading ensures uniformity in roasting and brewing, while density sorting helps remove defective beans. Colour sorting helps remove discoloured or damaged beans. These processes improve the quality and consistency of the final product, making it more desirable to buyers.
Coffee is often sorted using a grader or screener for size, an Oliver table or air density sorter for density, and an optical colour sorter or visual inspection for colour. Some roasters and importers may also sort by other criteria, such as origin or processing method, to ensure that they receive the desired quality and flavour profile. Sorting can be performed at various stages of coffee processing, including during dry milling, before export, or even after roasting. By carefully selecting and sorting coffee beans, growers and producers can ensure that their product meets the highest standards and commands the best price in the market.
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